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How To Promote Your Pet Supply Business

Promoting a pet supply business extends well beyond ordering shiny regular business cards from Vistaprint. While you’ll need those cards, you’ll also want to think about ways to get your business onto the global market through the internet. Like any small retail business, the use of the internet through social media and brand awareness will be key to your pet supply company’s success if you take the time to understand digital marketing. If you own a pet supply business and want to learn more about ways to get the word out about your products, read on for tips.

Physical Marketing Products

Before turning to the internet to tell the world about your business, you’ll want to take the time to design a logo and come up with a tagline for your business brand. If you don’t have design skills, consider reaching out to freelancers for help. A designer can come up with a professional design that you’ll be able to turn over to a business card printing service for business cards and brochures.

The great news is that it’s easy to access business card printers like GotPrint and Vistaprint with a simple Google search. That being said, if you want a truly unique business card, it’s always better to go with a custom business card and not something from a Vistaprint template. Whether you’re hoping for a card with a leopard gecko on it or a custom business card, custom vendors will show you your best option for a finish, card stock, and overall design.

Once you have your professional business cards in hand, think about going to public places in your area and putting them up on bulletin boards in places like the local post office. Even if you run your business remotely, you might be surprised how willing people are to support businesses in their hometowns. Or, if you have a central location retail shop, get those business cards on the counters right away so that customers can help with word-of-mouth advertising.

Social Media and Websites

In 2021, customers expect any company to have a website and social media presence. Whether they’re looking for information on Dubia roach questions as feeder insects for geckos, chameleons, or other reptiles, or need to know about a barking collar for their pup, you’ll want to have an online presence like that’s filled with not only products customers can order, but valuable information, too.

Consider social media platforms and create pages attached to your business. Add basic information and consider starting a blog about new trends in pet products and tips on how to care for your new reptile. By posting regularly, you’ll be branding your company as a helpful expert with information to share on top of the product. This will give you more credibility, which translates into sales.

Paid Ads

Most major social media platforms offer the ability to advertise products. Whether you’re listing directly to somewhere like Amazon or ship products direct from your shop, consider using social media advertising as a way to tell customers about sales and discounts. A sponsored social media ad may go further than a print ad would have years ago, simply because of the enormous reach social media platforms have and their ability to target potential customers. If you aren’t sure how to place an ad on Instagram or Facebook, visit YouTube for tutorials. When placing ads, don’t be afraid to experiment. Pay attention to analytics. It may take some time, but your persistence with different ad strategies will pay off in the long run. Another add shortcut could be contacting a social media influencer for a sponsored and mutually beneficial arrangement that will translate to sales.

At the end of the day, the best way to be successful with your pet supply business is to use the internet to attract new customers. From creating the perfect graphic design promotional images on a free app like Canva to the use of automated email mailing lists, using the power of technology to help you market your small business is the way to go. In areas where you aren’t sure or need help, consider hiring freelancers who can help with graphic designs, marketing campaigns, and managing social media. Soon enough, you’ll be well on your way to more orders and a thicker profit line.

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