How to Prepare to Have Your First Child

Preparing for your first baby can be both exciting and overwhelming. You may spend hours poring over baby names and choosing decorations for the nursery, and documenting every stage of your pregnancy. You may also find it hard to evaluate childcare and healthcare options.

It isn’t possible to prepare for every situation you’ll face as a parent, but there are some steps to prepare for your child’s arrival. Using these tips will ensure you’re as ready as it’s possible to be before your newborn bundle of joy arrives.

Find a healthcare provider to guide you through your pregnancy.


You’ll need to see a doctor or a midwife frequently during your pregnancy. Some people feel more comfortable with midwives, who specialize in treating women’s health issues and delivering babies. Midwives are qualified to provide primary medical care to pregnant women.

You’ll see an ultrasound technician at least twice during your pregnancy. Thanks to the pocket ultrasound, ultrasound technology is more accessible than ever. A portable ultrasound can stream images of your fetus to your electronic device. The images can also be transmitted instantly to your doctor or midwife, meaning you won’t have to wait for them to receive documents and reports before they confirm that your pregnancy is progressing well.

Have a birth plan, but anticipate the unexpected.


A birth plan determines your birthing preferences. Some people plan for a home birth while others plan to deliver their child at a birthing center or hospital. You have several delivery options you can review with your healthcare provider and address any medical factors that may influence your decision. Your healthcare provider may recommend that you plan to deliver in a hospital if you have a high-risk pregnancy. In a hospital, you’ll benefit from having emergency staff on hand who can perform a cesarean section if your unborn child experiences fetal distress during labor.

You may prefer having a natural birth or plan to have an epidural and who you want present when you deliver. Whatever childbirth scenario you prefer, the choice is yours.

Although nobody wants to consider what happens if things go wrong during the delivery, hundreds of infants born each week in the United States are affected by birth injuries. Several factors cause birth injuries, including potential medical negligence. If your child experiences oxygen deprivation during the birthing process they could suffer brain damage. In rare cases, oxygen deprivation can also cause cerebral palsy. Spinal cord injuries, epilepsy, and brachial plexus are other common birth injuries.

You should explore your legal rights promptly if your infant is affected by a birth injury. If you’re in the state of Illinois, you might Google “birth injury attorney in Chicago” to find an experienced birth injury lawyer in your area. Birth injury attorneys are personal injury attorneys who handle medical malpractice lawsuits, including birth injuries. Experienced birth injury lawyers are familiar with relevant case law, ensuring they reference precedents that can strengthen your birth injury claim. Your attorney gathers the information needed to pursue legal action for your child’s injury. You can discuss your case with a birth injury lawyer during a free consultation, enabling you to receive legal insight before proceeding with a lawsuit.

Stay active.


Taking care of your health is a crucial part of preparing for your child’s arrival. Weight gain during pregnancy can cause you to experience fatigue and back pain. Exercising is in your best interest since it can boost your energy, reduce back pain, and alleviate your stress. Exercising may also prevent gestational diabetes.

Starting a Step Fitness program is an excellent way to get the exercise you need. Step exercises offer the benefits of a high-impact workout because you can burn a lot of calories. Step exercises match those benefits with some of the advantages of low-impact workouts because they don’t put stress on your joints. You can use step exercises to burn calories and build muscle. Exercising regularly also helps you sleep better, prevents depression, and boosts your self-esteem.

Make plans for childcare.


Some mothers have maternity leave, but most mothers return to work within weeks or months of giving birth. You’ll need childcare, and you’ll need childcare providers you can trust. It’s possible to spend years on a waiting list for the best childcare facilities in your area, which is why you shouldn’t wait until after your child’s born to consider your long-term childcare needs.

Talk to friends and family members with young children and ask for referrals. If you plan to send your child to a daycare center, visit the centers you’re considering in a timely manner and watch staff interact with the children. Don’t just drop in for storytime and leave. Stay and watch transition times when children are going to the bathroom before nap time or lunch. Observing the staff during chaotic transition times gives you a clear picture of how the childcare workers interact with the children. Although you may initially focus on nursery staff, your child will move to other rooms as they grow, and it’s crucial you feel comfortable with the daycare’s approach to childcare.

Discuss your parenting style with family and friends.


Parents have different parenting styles and philosophies. You should have a clear parenting plan before your child’s arrival and let family members know about your parenting philosophies. Many parents today disapprove of corporal punishment but have parents or grandparents who used physical discipline. Outline your expectations and make it clear you expect family members to respect your parenting choices.

Preparing for your first child can be both exciting and stressful. Choosing a doctor or midwife, you’re comfortable with will ensure you enjoy peace of mind during your pregnancy and receive excellent medical care. You’ll also benefit from having a birth plan, preparing for the unexpected, exercising regularly, exploring your childcare options, and explaining your parenting philosophies to family members.